I was recently asked:  “I have a CAD background that has been scanned in as an image file. I want to see it on every floor when I’m drawing and I don’t want to move it on accident… can I do it? ”

While technically we can insert an image in, we sometimes forget about two functions: Paste Aligned and Groups.

Paste Aligned allows you to copy the image directly up without the need of worry if each image is inserted in the exact same spot.  It will be.  It can be found under the Modify tab on the ribbon.

Using the same logic, you could also include the image in a Group. By placing it in a group, you could then update the image on one floor (perhaps adding multiple images, CAD files, etc) and have it auto-populate the change on every floor.

To address the other issue (moving by accident) it just takes a Pin of the image / group and it won’t move.

In short, if all you have is an image file and you need to use it on multiple floors, remember that copy – paste aligned under the manage tab could be a useful tool for the process.