I hope you all have noticed the performance improvements over the years.  Autodesk has worked hard to upgrade and improve the performance and productivity of Inventor.  This blog post will highlight these for the 2022 version of Inventor.

They have continued to make improvements in this latest version of Inventor.  They have improved how editing sketches in an assembly environment.  This is used with in-place editing in an assembly.  The opening and editing of these sketches now works a bit faster.  Along with this, there have been speed improvements with the in-place creation of work features.

Editing iProperties for all items in an assembly, not just the one you are working in.  This allows you to modify more easily the iProperties of each component in an assembly without opening the part file to work on it separately.

You should see improved performance while you are changing your view orientation with pan, zoom, or orbit.  The visual styles with edge silhouettes are now rendered using the GPU.  I’m not the most knowledgeable tech person, so I would understand if you didn’t know what that meant.  It is a good thing.  It should help with the performance no matter what visual style you choose.  Things will open faster, as well, and you will be able to drag components around the screen more easily.  They have even made improvements to the graphic consistency while adding animation using the Drive command.

They have added a way to components that are not fully constrained.  This can be found in the little hamburger icon at the top of the browser.  You now have Constraint status indicators in browser.  You can hide fully constrained components in order to better see what needs attention.

This next one might not seem like a big deal, but I like it.  You know how they have been moving all the little popup windows into the browser with their own “property panel”?  Well, one of the smallest popups now has its own panel.  Introducing the new Fillet Panel.  They have even included a tool palette to choose between the different types of fillets.

There have been some changes in the way that feature dimensions are displayed on screen.  When you choose to show the dimensions of a feature, the dimension has been moved away from the part model with a leader line for a better view of feature dimensions.

It seems that they keep making improvements to the Measure command.  While it is in its new properties panel, they have added a “Done” and a “Restart” button that will help you more efficiently finish or restart you measurement.  In the assembly environment, there have been changes too.  There is now a new tool palette for the measure panel for quicker filtering.

They aren’t just adding new property panels, but are updating all of them at the same time.  They have added multiple keyboard shortcuts to the property panels to allow you to navigate through them more efficiently.  You can now see immediately if a value is invalid with a red text color.  You get the added security of warning notifications now in the property panels now as well.  One of the things that I really like about the properties panel is the presets; you will definitely see more of these.

Wooohoooo!!  They finished updating the Dark Theme option for the user interface.  Now, I have been using this option since it came out in pre-release for the 2021 version, but it is out of pre-release and has been fully integrated throughout Inventor.

If you read my blogs, I have already mentioned the last thing in their video, but it is good enough to mention again.  They have added a Send to Fusion 360 option, as well as, update to Fusion 360.  If you use Fusion 360 in cooperation with Inventor, this is good news.  This will make the workflow between the two much smoother.


Click here to watch their video on their increased performance and productivity.