Happy 35th Birthday Autodesk
Revit 2017 Update again (now @ 2017.2), if you are running into issues with the program, C4R cloud project issues, etc. you might try verifying that your program is up [...]
We will build a custom wall in Revit and continue to modify in 3 separate video sessions. This Part 1 video explains how to draw a generic wall, create a [...]
Ever wonder about cloud collaboration, how about while working in your project? With Autodesk BIM 360 Team you will see the advantages of cloud computing and collaboration at its best. [...]
Have you ever wanted to keep track of model versions / revisions or add comments to your model project? You can with Autodesk BIM 360 Team, here is a short [...]
If you have ever wanted to review, view or find out something about a model, project files, even if it contained multiple file formats well now you can with BIM [...]
If you've experienced some changes in your A360 Team account (now known as BIM 360 Team), this information will explain why and offer some updated information. https://blog.a360.autodesk.com/important-news-regarding-a360-team/?_ga=1.35040356.43628025.1464008804 https://team.bim360.com/ and https://fusionteam.autodesk.com/ [...]
Have you ever needed some preliminary surface data for a conceptual design and you haven't had the opportunity to get the field crews out to start picking up topo? In [...]
If you have been tempted to create / work with the schedule tool in Revit, but havent been sure about where to start, this basic window schedule video might just [...]
With Formit 360 you can grab the location of an area from Google Maps and import it to create Conceptual Massing and iteration between Revit projects as well for Conceptual Modeling. Heres [...]