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The Autodesk Technology Manager Community

The Autodesk Technology Manager Community Started in 2020, the Autodesk Technology Manager Community was begun as a site specifically for those who are Technology Managers, and it is a great [...]

Autodesk Updates-Don’t Forget These Ones too!

An issue in my Autodesk software popped up out of the blue….What now? INSTALL UPDATES, that’s what! This included not only the updates for the specific Autodesk software you're [...]

**Update** Desktop Connector

Autodesk is continually listening to their experts, users, and support world to make the functionality and flow of their software better. A lot of that comes in the forms of [...]

Autodesk: Direct Download Now Available

Autodesk: Direct Download Now Available As of 15 December 2023, all desktop products will have a new download option: Direct download. Users can choose how they download and install their [...]

Autodesk Support and Problem Solving

Meet the new replacement for the recently-retired Autodesk Knowledge Network: Autodesk Support and Problem Solving. This web-based tool can help find answers to MANY Autodesk-related questions and provides several avenues [...]

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