
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Platte River State Park: Mallet Lodge
14421 346th Street, Louisville, NE, 68037

Event Type

Annual Geospatial Open House – Customer Appreciation Day!

Please join us and our Geospatial and Design Solutions/GeoDrones staff along with several vendor representatives from Trimble, Spectra Precision, Autodesk, and many more for our annual open house/customer appreciation day.  Allow us to thank you, feed you, and give you the opportunity to pick up some fun give-a-ways and the chance to win a prize or two!

Platte River State Park: Mallet Lodge
14421 346th Street
Louisville, NE 68037-3001
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Sign-in sheet for Seiler Open House will be at the gate entrance to park (to secure free parking) or make sure you have your State Park entry permit sticker.

Please register on our Seiler Geospatial website to be entered for the terrific prize drawings and to ensure we have plenty of food on hand.

Register HERE